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Главная » 2008 » Апрель » 24 » AudioRealism Drum Machine VSTi v1.1.1
AudioRealism Drum Machine VSTi v1.1.1
AudioRealism выпустили обновление виртуальной барабанной машинке AudioRealism Drum Machine (ADM), которая обещает воспроизводить лучшие звуки прежних времен, таких как ранние 80-е. Лучшие звуки от легендарных Roland 606, 808, 909.


Three realtime switchable drum machine models
Internal 32 step sequencer with global accent per step, four prescale selections per pattern, flam and shuffle, 128 patterns per instance
Pattern transformation functions: Expand, shrink, swap, duplicate steps, randomize pattern, randomize part, cut/copy/paste pattern and parts
Undo function for pattern transformation functions
Pattern Controlled FX (PCF) which can control any of the parameters for each step
Various pattern transformation functions
Full MIDI CC with learning function
Rebirth pattern import
Imports 909 Sysex
Two MIDI modes (Pattern and Note)
Tempo sync to host
Polyphony: 11 parts total
Outputs: 11 individual unprocessed, 2 master outputs (processed)
Pattern library
100% Laser gun free


ADM contains 25 drum generators, each one carefully modeled after the classics’ analog circuits and 4 PCM players, for a total of 34 sounds (some generators have two sounds). Certain sounds have been extended with extra parameters, like the tuning and attack of the 606 bassdrum. The accents effect on bridged-T oscillators that make up the bassdrum and tom-tom sounds has been closely simulated and the hihats and cymbals sound and react very close to the originals.

The complete list of sounds is as follows: BD808, BD909, BD606, SD808, SD909, SD606, LT808, MT808, HT808, LC808, MC808, HC808, LT909, MT909, HT909, LT606, HT606, RS808, CL808, RS909, MA808, CP808, CP909, CB808, CRASH909*, OH606, OH808, OH909*, CH606, CH808, CH909*, CY606, CY808, RIDE909*.

Version 1.1.1 news:
* Shuffle changed to match ABL2's
* AU: Host automation issues fixed
* AU: Parameter feedback fixed
* VST: Appears in SX3/4 now

Pass. levap2004 
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